What an eventful weekend!
Friday night, Michael decided to reclaim the wood that we tore down from this closet

to use to build a foundation for the spawn of hell (yes, I've nicknamed the bed). He measured and cut up 4 pieces of wood, which should have precisely fit onto the slats of the bed frame.
Turns out, the existing box spring we had from our previous bed was bad, and we believe it's what ruined the old mattress. This box spring was 1/3 the size of a normal box spring, and what it consists of is wood and metal, and the problem seems to be the metal beams poke through and do not balance the mattress.

So, here's Mike cutting up the wood, of course being supervised by Safety Sid. He gave his stamp of approval.

First, we need to remove the box spring and bring it downstairs. That was fun, as we got it halfway down the stairs, and realized it wouldn't fit since the basement ceiling is in the way. Up it goes to sit in our living room next to the old mattress.
Next, he brings the new wood into the bedroom. Uh oh. The existing slats are not sitting on a ledge, but instead, they're built into brackets holding them up. Michael didn't count on this, and now the wood would have to be strategically balanced to support the mattress. We finally got it sort of balanced, but a trip to home depot is needed to purchase brackets to secure all boards together.
That night, both of us slept amazingly well.
Next morning, Home Depot was holding a lawn and garden clinic. Wonderful, just what we need! We arrived 45 minutes early and were planning on doing some shopping for other things, but inquired as to where the clinic would be held. Turns out, since we were so early, the garden expert decided to give us our own personal clinic where he answered every single question we had. He spent almost an hour with us. One of his main theories about our lawn, is it's actually getting too much water, and the roots of the grass are being stunted, which is why after 2 months of being established, we still can't mow the lawn without them being pulled out. So, we will now water way less, and on top of everything, he gave us a new bag of grass seed for FREE! Total score!
Once we left, we stopped at the store for some barbequables, and on the way home, noticed a store right near our street had a bunch of crap sitting outside. Looks like a sale, so of course we stop in to check out crap. We walk in, and notice it's all crap, total badly used 80's furniture, but I walk right up to a 4 drawer file cabinet which we are badly in need of. Hmmm, these are really expensive in the stores new, well over $150, so I ask how much.... $30, and SOLD! We told him we'd pay for it, but would have to walk back with a dolly since it wouldn't fit in my car, and his wife said she was just leaving, and would deliver it to us for free. Double score!
Next on the agenda, Michael hung up our new address sign outside. It looks awesome, and hopefully we will now be getting all of our mail... but only time will tell.
Lastly, we decided to start on the yard again, and re-tilled by hand all of the bare spots in the lawn where grass hadn't grown. We couldn't believe how much there was to do, and got about 1/3 done (which took 3 hours). Hopefully, this will help, but we know it's an ongoing process.

We ended the night with a yummy BBQ and finally went to bed after midnight, where again, we had a great nights sleep.