Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Bungalow vs. The Mean Man

Today’s tale involves the mystery of the driven over garden. After Michael and I had spent 8 hours planting the corner garden full of day lilies and lily of the valley, we had noticed that someone had been driving over the curb, thus driving over our plants.


So, yesterday I’m out watering the lawn, and I witness a van turn the corner, realize there’s no parking, then it proceeds to backup right over the corner garden and park.

I’m literally in shock, I walk over, and see tire marks over my poor little crushed plants.

He exits his van, and here’s what ensues:
Me: “Dude, can you be careful when you backup, you just drove over my plants.”
Mean Man: “No I didn’t.”
Me: “All I’m saying is be careful when you back up around that corner. You just drove over these plants” (as I point to my crushed plants with his obvious tire marks).
MM: “Why don’t you move out of this neighborhood you racist. You hate Hispanics and I’ve lived here for twenty years, so get out of here.”
Me: I stared at him for a bit unable to respond. “But YOU drove over my plants, I just watched you do it. And how does you driving over my plants make me a racist?!”
MM: “I DID NOT. You hate Hispanics so move out of my neighborhood”.

Apparently, there's no reasoning with a jerky freakshow. As he walks away, he calls me a racist again and walks down the alley.

I go in to tell Mike what happened, and he comes out to look at the plants. Back comes MM with another guy. Again, he says he’s lived here for 20 years and to move away. Now Mike has the WTF look on his face. We kind of shake our heads and walk back in the house.

I’m almost positive we will have no plants left after this encounter, but I’m still scratching my head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Giant "decorative" rocks worked well for me when something similar happened.