Friday, November 28, 2008

Um, what part of "The bungalow is not a boat!" don't you understand?

I'm asking that question to the bungalow gods on this bright and early morning at 4:30am on Black Friday.

There we were, sleeping peacefully when I realized I was in a half asleep, half awake state. Yes, there's a new noise in the bungalow, but I'm kind of dreaming so not paying much attention. I know it can't be the cat, since he's next to me... Yea, I'll investigate later. I'm tired.

Later came when Mike popped out of bed, and ran out of the room. The noise? That would be the noise of a sump pump, which I guess he thought odd since it wasn't raining.

He comes back, and there's a sigh as he gets back in bed. Well, the water heater just exploded. I love our basement drainage. Good night. Um... what?!?!?

Yep, water heater exploded, and granted, while that sucks Sucks SUCKS, it could have been OH so much worse. The unit is right next to the sump pump, and a couple feet away is the drain I mentioned in the previous post about water. So, all the water was pouring down the drain. None of our boxes got wet, none of the music equipment got wet, no floating organ playing that horrible Celene Dion song as it sinks, just the laundry room soaked, with the water flowing down the drain. I guess we really should consider ourselves lucky in that respect.

I guess I can list the positive aspects of this:
We're surviving our first major bungalow crisis...
We no longer need to worry about what to get each other for Christmas/Hanukkah...
We don't have to worry about throwing out all our boxes of crap in the basement... (wait, is this a good thing?)...

Now, I sit here and search all the black friday adds from the paper, hoping to find the deal of the century on water heaters... so far, that search is not looking good. We'll keep you posted...

I was talking to my mom, since I knew she'd be up at this early hour... and she said "Shouldn't the home warranty you have cover that "? Ha. That's right. The sellers gave us a year home warranty on all appliances. Mom, you're the BEST! Guess we're kind of forgetful at 4am. Now we get to see what exactly happens we you activate the warranty. Yay!

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