Saturday, November 29, 2008


So as I was scouring all of the ads looking for a water heater sale at 5am, I couldn't help but notice all of the advertisements for the Wii. There were Wii systems, Wii fit, Wii games, Wii accessories, Wii wii wii.

I've actually been wanting the Wii system for while, because I want to get the Wii fit. I've heard it's fun, and really works as a good exercise program.

So, once I realized the warranty would cover the water heater, I took off in my car to go buy us our early holiday present, the Wii.

I got the last system at the store I went to at 7am, but they didn't have any Wii fit. That's ok, we found it last night not too far from us, and I have to say, this thing is FUN!

Mike kept saying it was way more fun than he ever thought it would be. It's true. It's awesome.
The last gaming system I had was the Atari. That was a looooong time ago.

Anyway, here's a video of Mike taking the Baseball training.

After playing some of the sports games , we installed the Wii fit, which is a balance board. They give you all of these tests to check your "Wii fit age", Mike is 53, and I'm 57! Which, is actually better than the score I got for my "Wii sports age", which was 75! LOL! Ok, granted, I've never been good at sports, but 75?!

So, after taking the tests, Wii told me I'm very unbalanced, and asked me if a trip alot when I walk. Why, yes I do...

So, I will have to work on my balance, which it will help me do. They also have strength training, aerobics, yoga, and some other fitness regimes. We played til about 1 last night, and I have to say, I'm sore this morning!

The game is a blast, I'd recommend it to anyone, and I can't wait to improve my wii age!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Ha, the Wii... We loved it when we first started playing with it last year at Thanksgiving. It was crazy tiring, we looked in to buyign one and then decided that it would cut into our wine drinking time....